Code Enforcement

  • The code enforcement process is typically initiated in several ways: 1) observation of a code violation by City staff as they patrol the community and do their jobs; 2) as a consequence of an action (for example, an application for a building permit or a request for a zoning variance); or 3) in response to a complaint by an individual.

    The City relies on residents to help identify possible code violations, particularly in these areas:

    • Illegal signs such as advertising flyers
    • Graffiti on public or private property
    • Shopping carts on streets, sidewalks, etc.
    • Illegal dumping of garbage and debris
    • Abandoned and/or inoperable vehicles
    • Illegal dumping of oils, and other hazardous materials, into storm drains
    • Overgrown foliage blocking stop signs, impeding sight of driveways, or making corners dangerous
    • Large commercial vehicles (semi's) parked in residential neighborhoods
    • Residential businesses causing traffic/noise problems
  • A complaint about a possible code violation is made by letter, telephone, email, or in person to the appropriate City department. [See the contact information tab to the left.] In an average year, the City receives several thousand complaints related to possible code enforcement violations.

    Please be prepared with specific information, such as the address of the property, detailed description of the situation, and the length of time you have observed the situation. Complaints may be made anonymously (however, this may restrict the City's ability to follow-up on the complaint or our ability to obtain additional details which might assist in resolving the situation).

  • City staff responds to code enforcement complaints according to the impact of the violation on the community. Situations that appear to pose a serious risk to health and safety are given top priority; others are pursued in the order in which they are received.

    For all types of code complaints, the first step in the follow-up procedure is personal contact by a City staff member to ascertain if a code violation exists, and to request remediation. If the individual responsible for the situation is not available, or appears unwilling to voluntarily correct the code violation in a timely manner, a notice of violation or a citation may be issued. The City may also take court action if the situation poses a significant risk to the community or if the individual has ignored previous notices/citations.

  • In many cases, the individual responsible for the code violation is given the opportunity to voluntarily correct the situation and comply with current codes without a penalty. If the correction is not made, then the individual may be subject to fines and other penalties.

    All Zoning Ordinance violations and Nuisance Ordinance violations are misdemeanors. For some serious code infractions, usually involving major and immediate health or safety concerns, criminal prosecution or civil injunctions may be used by the City to enforce code compliance.